Ukrainian women

On February 24, 2022, at five in the morning, Russia invaded Ukraine, initiating the first conflict on the Old Continent since the onset of the 21st century.

This war is unprecedented in its media coverage: seasoned war reporters and amateurs, TV crews, and social networks send us a daily barrage of images of war. Yet, these images often depict the same scenes over and over: explosions, bombings, mass displacement. These faceless scenes make it difficult to connect with the human cost of the war. I wish to give this conflict another–too often silenced–face: that of women.

From Kataryna, a dancer and mother who decided to return to Ukraine to continue teaching children, or Natalia, a gynecologist helping populations who lived under Russian occupation, to Olga, a lawyer who decided to take up arms to defend her country from the first day of the war. I want to show these extraordinary women’s lives to challenge stereotypes and preconceived notions.

In production

Director: Anastasia Mikova

Producer: Anastasia Mikova

Editor: Anne-Marie Sangla

© KVITKA Films